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The Full Story

We at Millersville Greens and Mushrooms believe that everyone deserves access to fresh, nutritious food grown with respect for the environment.That's why we cultivate a vibrant variety of organic mushrooms and microgreens, bursting with flavor and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Our carefully controlled growing methods ensure the highest quality produce, free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. The source of our water is 100% atmosphere condensation and rain water. Comparable with the traditional agriculture we use 99.99% less water.

But our commitment goes beyond the plate. We are deeply invested in sustainable practices that minimize our environmental footprint. We use biodegradable cornstarch-based packaging, compost all organic waste, and utilize a sustainable aquaponics system to fertilize our plants naturally.


By supporting Millersville Greens and Mushrooms, you are not just choosing delicious, healthy food; you're choosing to be a part of a positive change. Together, we can create a future where fresh, delicious, nutritious food thrives in harmony with nature.






Locally grown in Millersville, TN 37072

Leaf the ordinary and beleaf in microgreens

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